Å sette innovasjon på agendaen handler mye om ambisjonsnivå og forankring i ledelsen. Putting innovation on the agenda is a lot about the level of ambition and anchoring in the management. Questions that should be answered include:
- How do you define innovation in your business? Are there only customer-related innovations, or are changes in internal processes, development of new tools to improve work processes or new recruitments etc. seen as innovation as well?
- What level of ambition does the company have when it comes to innovation? Relevant discussions should include time perspective, short-term vs long-term budget, resources, organisation, competence development, cultural changes etc.
- Goals, strategy and initiatives specifically for innovation must be anchored in management, and have dedicated owners with associated measurable KPIs and follow-up.
When the strategy for innovation is laid out and the initiatives are implemented, it is important to follow up the KPIs along the way and measure the work in several areas. In this way, the company can continuously make improvements, and at the same time create momentum for innovation in the business.
Here are some tips for activities to become successful with innovation internally.

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