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The strategy software every leaders need

20. January 2023

All companies has some idea of what their strategic goals are. It is often what has made the company what it is at any given point in time. It is often what has made the company what it is at any given point in time. Before the company is even founded, a lot of time…

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Innovation culture

20. January 2023

Even if the business succeeds in innovating, this does not mean that the organization has a solid and productive culture of innovation. Developing a culture of innovation requires carefully planned activities and that the organization is on board with the journey, as well as a management that is patient. Culture is not built overnight. Initiatives…

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What is innovation structure?

20. January 2023

An innovation structure refers to the organizational framework and processes that are put in place to support and manage innovation within a company. The structure can vary depending on the size and type of organization, but generally includes the following elements: Innovation Strategy: A clear and well-defined strategy that aligns with the company’s overall goals…

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Innovation structure with goals, strategy and initiatives

20. January 2023

Å sette innovasjon på agendaen handler mye om ambisjonsnivå og forankring i ledelsen. Putting innovation on the agenda is a lot about the level of ambition and anchoring in the management. Questions that should be answered include: When the strategy for innovation is laid out and the initiatives are implemented, it is important to follow…

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Take the pulse of Innovation at your company

15. November 2022

In larger organisations, innovation takes place everywhere, and it is difficult to keep track of where the innovations are taking place. It could be incremental innovation projects in HR or new product development in Product and Marketing departments. We know that many employees have good ideas. But many don’t quite know where or how to…

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Risk analysis and management – more relevant than ever

1. July 2022

In a business climate where change is constant and competition is tougher than ever, risk assessment, analysis and management have become more and more necessary for many companies. In our software solution, we have therefore built in two risk models that are actively used for measures and activities. Risk analysis is typically used to identify…

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Illustrasjonsbilde: Avinor - OSL

Case Study: How Avinor became better at Business Management

5. April 2022

Previously, Avinor had a cumbersome and complex support system in Excel to follow-up strategic business management. Consequently, they looked for a simpler system for reporting and follow-up. The solution they choose is now being used on a daily basis and is available to everyone. Avinor, like most companies, spent a lot of resources on monitoring…

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How do you succeed with execution of strategy and change processes?

1. February 2022

In the past everything was simpler, also with regards to strategy processes. Management decided on a strategic plan for the coming period, and gave orders to the workforce on what to do. Today, it’s rather more challenging. The markets and competition is confusing and changing, technology development is extremely rapid (and increasing in pace), and…

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Orbify.AI builds momentum, acquires two Norwegian SaaS companies

8. November 2021

Orbify.AI has completed the acquisition of Strategy Orchestrator AS and InXight AS for an undisclosed amount, in a combination of cash and shares. About the acquisitions: Strategy Orchestrator helps large national and international customers execute change management processes efficiently. InXight offers customers a SMART Innovation Management System, in addition to providing an AI powered contact…

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